M.ES. College is indeed the fruititon of a dream ardently cherished by the members of MES and a host of like minded people who are committed to fostering the intellectual enlightenment and social advancement of the younger generation in and around Erattupetta. The prime objective of the institution is to equip the youth with the skills necessary for meeting every challenge in the technological age.

About us
Muslim Educational Society- A Retrospective
The Muslim Educational Society(Regd.) a non-political socio-educational-cultural organization of the Muslims in Kerala,registered under the Societies Registration Act xx1 of 1860 was established in the year 1964 under the able,charismatic and dynamic leadership of the late Dr.P.K Abdul Ghafoor.
Today M.E.S. is the largest corporate educational agency of the Muslims in India managing more than 170 eduational institutions including Medical College, Enginering Colleges, Dental College, College of Nursing, Arts & Science Colleges, C.B.S.E. & state Syllabus Higher Secondary school etc.. with more than 1,00,000 students and about 15,000 employees.Hospitals,Orphanages,old-age Homes,Special Schools for Mentally Retarded etc.are other services offered and activites undertaken buy the Society.The Society takes special interest in imparting higher education to Muslim Girls and assisting economically backward,but brillant students by instituting merit awards and scholarships worth more than Rs.30 Lakhs anually.The M.E.S has registered its presence in other Indian States and all Middle East Nations and enjoys the patronage of people from all quarters as a politically neutral body and extends its services to all,upholding its secular fabric.