B.C.A. (Bachelor of Computer Application)
Mahatma Gandhi University introduced choice based credit and semester and grading system in
colleges affiliated to University from the academic year 2009-2010 under direct grading system.
Regulations for undergraduate programmes under choice based course-credit-semester system and
grading was introduced in the university from the academic year 2013-2014 onwards under
indirect grading system. The university Grants Commission, in order to facilitate student mobility
across institutions within and across countries and also to enable potential employers to assess the
performance of students, insisted on introducing a uniform grading system in universities. The
academic council of M G University resolved to introduce the UGC guidelines for choice based
credit semester system from the academic year 2016-17 onwards . Meanwhile the Hon’ble
Supreme Court of India has issued orders to include core courses on Environmental Studies and
Human Rights in the Syllabi and curricula of all U G programmes of all Universities all over
India. In continuation to this the U.G.C has issued circular regarding the implementation of the
above said changes by accepting the direction of the Honorable Supreme Court as a national
policy. Hence, the syndicate of M G University has decided to modify the syllabi and curricula of
all UG programmes in accordance with the directions of the Honourable Supreme Court and
U.G.C. Further, the syndicate has decided to implement the new regulations and syllabi with effect
from the academic year 2017-18. In view of this, the Board of Studies of Computer Applications
and the Faculty of Science and Technology has prepared the following syllabus for U G
programmes in Computer applications and Science.
2. Scope
The revised syllabus for Computer Application and Science provides a strong foundation to
pursue post graduation programme in computer science / applications. The knowledge acquired by
the students may also equip them to meet the industrial need, and get placed.
3. Programme Objective
The Programme in Computer Application and Science is designed with the following specific
- To attract young minds to the potentially rich & employable field of computer applications
(b) To be a foundation graduate programme which will act as a feeder course for higher studies
in the area of Computer Science/Applications.
(c) To develop skills in software development so as to enable the graduates to take up selfemployment in Indian & global software market.
(d) To Train & Equip the students to meet the requirement of the Industrial standards.
4. Course Design
The UG programme in Computer Applications and Science includes Common courses, Core
courses, Complementary courses, Open courses, Seminar, Project and viva voce. No course shall
carry more than four credits. The student shall select any one open course in semester V offered by
various departments of the College.
5. Duration of Course
The programme shall normally extend over a period of three academic years consisting of ssi semesters